I have worked in primary and secondary schools in Bradford and West Yorkshire for twenty years, I understand the mental health issues our children and young people face. As a the Mental Health Lead in a large local secondary school, I also understand the difficulty a school has accessing affordable mental health support.
I can offer flexible, sometimes free, in-school counselling sessions by the session, half day, full day without an obligation to be tied to an expensive contract.
Contact me to arrange a bespoke counselling service which fits your needs and budget.
Mental Health Facts & Statistics
There is over twenty years of wide-spread research which shows that providing in-school counselling is the most effective way of supporting pupils mental health. The number of our young people who need mental health support has increased year on year since data has been collected.  1 in 6 children (aged 5 -16) are likely to have a mental health problem, a 50% increase in the last three years. (The Children's Society, 2022) Half of all mental health problems, start by the age of 14 52% of 17 to 23 year olds have experienced a deterioration in mental health in the last five years 55% of 16-25 year olds said they had seen their GP about mental health at some point in their lives The number of A&E attendances by young people aged 18 or under with a recorded diagnosis of a psychiatric condition more than tripled between 2010 and 2018-19 Suicide was the leading cause of death for males and females aged between five to 34 in 2019 Nearly half of 17-19 year-olds with a diagnosable mental health disorder has self-harmed or attempted suicide at some point, rising to 52.7% for young women One-third of mental health problems in adulthood are directly connected to an adverse childhood experience (ACE) In a YoungMinds survey, three-quarters (76%) of parents said that their child's mental health had deteriorated while waiting for support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) In a YoungMinds commissioned survey by Censuswide, two-thirds (67%) of young people said they would prefer to be able to access mental health support without going to see their GP but half (53%) said they didn't know how else to access this help  Two out of every three referrals to CAMHS are not accepted into treatment Among 7 to 16 year olds, the proportion with a probable mental disorder was 18.0% in 2022 – up from 12.1% in 2017 In 2022, among those aged 7 to 10, prevalence of a probable mental disorder was nearly twice as high in boys (19.7%) as in girls (10.5%). Rates of a probable mental disorder were similar in boys (18.8%) and girls (22.0%) aged 11 to 16. Among 17 to 24 year olds, the prevalence was much higher in young women (31.2%) than young men (13.3%) School absence rates were higher in children with a probable mental disorder; 12.6% missed more than 15 days of school compared with 3.9% of those unlikely to have a mental disorder. Having a counsellor embedded within the school can negate the two biggest barriers to accessing mental health support, threshold for treatment and waiting times.

I offer in-school 1-1 counselling for students.
Our sessions are conducted in accordance with the BACP code of ethics and principles. It can help the student to recover from mental health difficulties. This benefits the student, their family, the school's teaching and pastoral staff as well as other students.
The staff mentoring training programme is designed to upskill school support and pastoral staff in the key elements of working with pupils with low-level emotional health problems.
It covers the key theories and concepts of mentoring and counselling to enable your staff to support your students.

The Trusted Therapist can also provide confidential counselling for schools staff. This can be carried out either in school or out of school hours.
The biggest reason for staff absence is mental health issues. Supporting school staff by providing counselling is an effective way to reduce staff absence and turnover.
Our sister company ACE Training provides a one day training course on Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Having a staff who is trauma-informed can have a huge impact on the life chances of children who have suffered abuse and trauma.
The four modules cover the initial ACES report, how trauma changes brain development, how to work with a child with trauma and the importance of trusting relationships.
The Keeping Children Safe in Education (kcsie) guidance by the Department for Education 2022 states:
"Where children have suffered abuse and neglect, or other potentially traumatic adverse childhood experiences, this can have a lasting impact throughout childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. It is key that staff are aware of how these children’s experiences, can impact on their mental health, behaviour, and education."
Our training fulfills that need.

In-school counselling
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